Welcome to Skiperformance!
Always buy your Ski pass and products online!

Skiperformance demoski!

Gondola + Parking ticket

Save time and reserve your parking slot!


To buy your tickets, please choose the appropriate date.

A receipt for the purchase and a bar code ticket will be sent to your email address. Your receipt contains a bar code and is your entrance ticket. There is one ticket per passenger.

The ticket containing the bar code will be scanned at the entrance to the resort from your smartphone or paper receipt.

To buy a gondola ticket, is mandatory to add to your cart also a parking ticket. You will be required to add your license plate number before the checkout..

Map information

Name: Levi Parking
Address: Hissitie 15 Parking Hissitie 15, 99100 Kittilä, Finland
Contact phone: +47 90742122
Website: https://demoski.skiperformance.com/

Information & Offers


Skiperformance AS
At the main building at the skilift!

View Pickup locations on the map here!


23.11.2023 to 01.05.2027
Cable car & lift facilities: daily from 08:30 am to 04:00 pm
Slopes: daily from 08:30 am to 04:30 pm